Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Figure Trial 1 with Color

I went back and added color to the first figure I made. I didn't want the color to overpower the form or the textures I had, so for the most part it is only a light wash over the figure. I enjoyed the original white, however, I feel by bringing the color into the figure it brought more life to the work. The piece felt stiff when there wasn't any color.



Figure Trial 4

Continuing with these figures. I am finding I enjoy the works that look to have more or a humanly form under the fabric rather than some creature. I know I shouldn't only make figures that look like humans though, and try and expand with the materials I have and see what comes from that. So my next step is to try and retain myself from wanting to create a humanly form and just see what happens.



Figure Trail 3

Here, I was attempting to make something larger than my first two. It is probably a solid 6 inches taller than my first two figure trials. I do not think I like this one. I was really only going for size in this one, rather than thinking about the materials and making it all work together. I felt as thought I was trying to force the work to operate as I wanted it to. 




Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Figure Trial 2

Not sure how I am feeling about this one. I was trying to do something different from the first figure trial and I just don't know how I feel about it. 



Thursday, January 17, 2013

Figure Trial 1

After some encouragement, I attempted in this study to try and create a free standing figure off the canvas and wall. This first trial is made from a glue bottle, jean material, great stuff, wall putty, hot glue, wood, and paint. I basically just found random materials around my studio and decided to give it a try. With it being a trial piece, I am rather happy with it. I think the form underneath gives the vibe that it is a humanly form, which is something I like.