Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Beginning: Theodore

Started this new design tonight. Pretty excited about it.

However, I am thinking of starting to brand my boards up some. I've been thinking of using some of my ceatures and developing further with them. Changing their environment, quirking them a little bit, changing things up to make them different, while keeping the hold of the original inspiration.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

WIP: Penelope

I know it's been ages since I've posted anything. I've had a very drama filled past week and finally getting my things back in order. Anyway, I know these photos suck, but this is what I've been working on.


A few in progress pics, nothing great. I know the lighting is horrible in the last two. I may or may not have time to work on her tomorrow however, I'll be off work at a decent time to be able to get a more fresh looking image to share. Something that will be more true to her colors like the first one.

I am pretty stoked about this girl, so hopefully she'll turn out awesome!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Beginning: Penelope

Just started this sketch today and I'm pretty excited about getting this one going. We'll see where she goes.

Final: Andrew

I meant to post in-progress pictures of this one, but I never did. I started it last week on my day off and ended up getting so wrapped up in it, that I finished it and never photographed its progression. So anyway, this is the final of Andrew. 

My friend, Andrew, picked the elements of this guy, which is also where he got is name from. Those elements were: A great white shark (the head), a penguin (the upper body), an otter (the legs/feet), a lily flower (the arms), and a kidney (the shoulder and purple back space thing). Obviously I did not use the same color tones for everything, just pulled inspiration. 

close ups

Monday, July 7, 2014

Beginning: Andrew

Began this sketch today for a new board idea. The idea and elements involved were inspired by a new friend. Excited to get working on it soon and to see what happens with it!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Final: Jonathan

So I finished this guy a few days ago, apparently I saved it as a draft and never published it. Anyway, here he is all done.  

Close ups

Beginning: Untiled (so far)

Just started this guy the other day. Pretty excited about where it is going so far. Still unsure of a name, but it'll come to me eventually. Anyway, this was my first sketch...

Actually took a photo of the board after I did the sketching this time. I used a thicker marker, so its easier to see. I've been using those micropens, they don't dry well on the board and I can wipe away anything I don't like after I sketch it up. 

This is where I ended yesterday. 

And this is where I got today.