Monday, January 23, 2012

Photogram Final Sketch

So we weren’t able to make photograms last week due to class being cancelled. Anyway this is the final sketch of it. I think it’s the final anyway, I may change up the background. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Photogram Ideas


Hey! So I’ve got this project in my photo class. I’m taking film photography so we get to use the dark room and all that jazz. Anyway, I am not a photographer at all but I’m required to take the class for my degree. We’re doing these things called photograms tomorrow. Basically, we put the our light sensitive paper out, put whatever we want over it, and then shine the light on it. Wherever something is, the light won’t be able to reach the paper. Therefore, wherever the light can’t reach it will print up white and where the light does reach it’ll print up dark. Like making our own negative. Does that make sense?
A lot of the examples I’ve looked at online use scissor, keys, flowers, leaves, etc. My idea is a little different, so I don’t know if it’ll actually work. Anyway, this is my sketch thus far. I like working with organic shapes, so I figured thats what I’d do here. My idea is to use the thin paper, that way, when the light shins on it, only some light will get through, hopefully making a gray shade. However where the drawing is, hopefully, no light will go through. This could go horribly wrong and just fail all together. We’ll see what happens though.
Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Memory Lapse

And here is the final print!
I read this book The Night of the Gun by David Carr (great book by the way), which is where a lot of the inspiration for this came from. The book is about how he remembers the past verses what actually happened. So my idea was to play with the idea of memory and contortion, thus why I stretched the brain. Those little pod like things is basically a diagram of how dopamine is released into the brain.  

Memory Lapse Color Testing


After figuring out the print design and etching it on to three different plates, I had to select the colors. This took for what seemed like forever. These are just the basic colors I was testing.

Print Sketches

Sketch work of print work ideas. I was working with the idea of memory and contortions. If you can’t tell, thats a sketch of a brain on the left side. Its upside down in this picture.

Organic-al Textures Final

Final products of Organic-al Textures. Each is on a wood panel, with oil paint and it’s own texture. The first: string (3’x5’), the second: paper(3’x4’), and the third: wall plaster(3’x6’).

Sketch Work


Organic-al Textures thumbnails. These are sketches of my ideas, before put into a large scale work. Basic idea I was going for was streaming from organic shapes (i.e. carrots, radishes, flowers) and then creating something new with them. These are basically smaller studies before the final product.