Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sketch Work: Gestural Forms Continued

Additional gestural drawings. They are pretty sketchy but I'm pretty pleased with what is coming out thus far. The bottom one with the two figures is my favorite. I don't know why I didn't think about putting two figures in the images. It pulls more of a story to the surface. It wasn't until I went back and looked at Jedd Garet's work that I even considered putting more than on figure into the an image. In his works, the figures almost look as though they are dancing or embraced in one another. When I read it, it comes across as a love story almost. I want to be able to do that with my images. Right now they kind of just look like they are leaning on one another... not that that is a bad thing. I want them to look frail and weak, so that dependency on one another for support and strength would be a good thing. I guess I just need to keep working and see where it goes...

Material: Newsprint and charcoal


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