Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Color Pencil Sketches

These are sketches I was working on awhile ago. I was trying to use the forms I have been working with, however, bring some color and emotion to them. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fabian Marcaccio

I learned of Fabian Marcaccio last year when I first started playing around with textures and using fabric in my paintings. This year when I started pulling 3D tools into my work I thought of him and decided to do a bit more research on him. He is part of the Paintants Corporation. At the site you can find several images of his work. The textures he achieves in his work is amazing! I love how he not only brings a 3D aspect to his work but also, makes the work form to the space it is in. His paintings work as both paintings and sculptures, which is something I've been considering trying in my own work. He has the in some of his works I noticed how he was able to add in the collaging work of materials and develop a thickness to the painting but also allow for rendering of elements within the paintings. This is something I am trying to figure out how to add into my own work. 

Hot Dog (update)

Sorry this is a bad image. Anyway, I finally finished the bottom so that hopefully it doesn't look so flat. I also went in and tried to tone down the hot dog color. I feel as though the image has more of a heavy dark mood to it, which is what I am going for. However, I feel as though the whole thing could still use some work. 

Current Experiments

These are all the works I have currently been working on with a 3D aspect thrown into the mix...  I'm not fully sure how I feel about them all yet, but I enjoy making these and experimenting with the materials. 

Web Mess

This is another go at attempting to put both a rendered image with the three dimensional aspect. Not completely sure how I feel about it yet, but its going. 

Materials: Great stuff, nylon, hot glue, tracing paper, oil paint
Size: 8"x10"

Web Mess

Materials: Nylon, wall putty, hot glue, and white acrylic paint.
Size: 10"x8"

 The top image is before adding the acrylic paint and the next down is after.

The bottom two images of are of closeups of the work.

Web Mess

Materials: Great stuff, nylon, hot glue, and acrylic paint
Size: 8"x10"

Friday, November 9, 2012

Web Mess Closeups

Close-ups from the last web mess I was working on.

Updated: Web Mess

This is the last painting I posted after adding acrylic paint to it. I only add white acrylic paint. There was something about the original color of the nylon color that I didn't want to fully lose.

Materials: nylon, great stuff, wall putty, hot glue, acrylic paint

Great Stuff plus Color

 Sorry the picture is slanted. Anyway, this is the great stuff painting I did after I added color to it. 

Materials: great stuff, nylon, hot glue, and acrylic paint. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


This is the most recent painting I have been working on. I absolutely love how this painting is going. Originally, I thought I would have that advertisement kind of background with one larger figure draped around the image, however, that changed. The bottom looks flat so I am currently working on going in and pulling the ground out, giving it more of a landscape feel. Also, the hotdog itself, in color, stands out a lot in comparison to the figures. So I am going to go back in and tone down the colors some.

Size: roughly 3'x4'
Materials: Oil on canvas

Another Web Mess

Materials: nylon stockings, great stuff, hot glue, and wall putty.

The image looks rather blurry on here. I have recently changed it, so I will update with a newer and hopefully clearer image soon.

Great Stuff

This is another exploratory piece. The backspace is made of Great Stuff and the figures are made with great stuff and nylon stockings. I then stuck them on with hot glue and created this web to keep the attached to the piece. I'll need to up a more updated version of this. Last week I painted it with acrylics. However, after looking at this I'm not sure how I feel about the color... 

Web Mess

I have been getting bored somewhat with the only 2D space and I decided to try something new.

Materials: Nylon stockings, hot glue, wall putty, acrylic paint, oil paint, and tracing paper.

I took two of the forms I had originally painted on tracing paper to use for another painting and placed them in this messy web.

After all the research I have been doing about starvation and death and just some of the major issues within the world, this is kind of how I feel. Like we are all just stuck in this huge mess. And that is what I made. And I loved every minute of making it.

Changing up the Forms

My goal with these was to continue with my forms but to change them up. I did a lot of research and looking at images within the Ethiopian culture. These are mainly just sketches. There are two landscape kind of images, but other than that, they are all forms.

Materials: Color pencil on paper

Apple Landscape (drawing)

This is suppose to look as though it is a landscape, with an apple as the land... Not sure what I think about it though. The figures are suppose to look as though they are sinking into the space, however, I don't fully think it give it that feel. And then the background is full of text relating to the idea.

Materials: Marker, pen, whiteout, and watercolor wash

Text as Images

So here are some of my works using text... 

The image on the right says Kwashiorkor and in the background it is filled with text about the disease. It is most common in children who suffer from malnutrition. The images of the children in poverty with the potbellies are images of children who suffer from Kwashiorkor.

The image on the right says Child Labor, behind the image is text about the diamond industry. There is a large amount of children and adults who are forced to work within the diamond mining campus. They are given no education and forced to work for less than a dollar day.

The very bottom image was pulled from a previous work with the words Russia, 5 million, Famine, and Drought. It was inspired from reading I did about the Russian Famine in 1921.