Sunday, April 6, 2014

Beginning: Brutus Deck

Original sketch of Brutus:

My plan is to use this design for a skateboard deck. I'm not really sure how it will work out or if it will look remotely good, but might as well try. I went to a local skate shop and picked up a blank wooden board and drew up the design. I kind of got ahead of myself and failed to take photos from the beginning, but I'm sure you'll be able to imagine.

Anyway, on top of the design of Brutus, I wanted to throw in the text of his name. I was unsure about the font to use, so I basically threw a bunch of lines and decided to find the text within the lines. Figured it might help in finding some kind of funky font. This top image is of the lines with the text that I found and the bottom is of the text without the lines. 

And this is top of the board after I carved 'Brutus' into it. It is kind of hard to see since I haven't inked the board yet, but it gives you some kind of idea of what it looks like.

Its probably difficult to see, but these are just images of the board after I carved some of it. 

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