Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Beginning: Safari Tri Portrait

I have been in talks of doing a trade with a friend. I'm working on doing a set of three decks, safari themed. I have never painted a giraffe or a cheetah, but it should be fun. 

Original sketch:

Sketch on the board:

Close ups after painting:

Whole board (not finished yet):

First off, painting a giraffe is hard. Fun, but it was definitely harder than I expected. However, I am very happy with how this has turned out.

Second, this is not finished yet. It will not be completed until all three boards are done. Plus, I want to add a few silhouetted trees in the background. I can't put those in until I have all three boards though, since the background is going to overlap from board to board.

I plan to try and sit down tonight and prep the other two boards and then work on the background for all three boards.

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