Thursday, February 21, 2013

Large Figure WIP 2

I spent the past day getting items for this, however, I will probably collecting for awhile. I have moved the entire figure from the foam board it was originally resting on and attached it to my old closet door. I am thinking that I'll be able to use this as a base piece and build it up about 4-5 feet. Once the entire base is form, I plan to go back over it with Great Stuff and maybe some wall putty to create texture to the work.

From there I will start the second layer (3-4 feet). The second layer will be built around the finished bottom layer. I will most likely lay some kind of plastic on the bottom layer to prevent the two from 
sticking and then do what I did on the bottom to the top. 

It will not be until after I have finished applying the Great Stuff and wall putty (and allowed both to dry) that I will paint the figure. As far as colors I am thinking more neutral tones, but I have not decided yet. 

Once both pieces are done, I'll apply the fabric to the top piece and wrap fabric around and connect it at the corners. Just as before the fabric will be painted, torn, and stretched, but it will not be permanently attached the the bottom piece. Both the top and bottom pieces will work together, but they will not be physically attached to one another. This way I will be able to get the figure out the door.  

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