Saturday, June 7, 2014

New Idea

So remember how I took that old Timothy board and just painted the whole board blue?

(picture in case you don't)

Well I'm thinking of starting a series of boards with the faces I use to draw. This is Doug:

This is actually a relief print I did of him, the actually drawing of him I don't have a picture of, so I'm just using this. Anyway, I went through this face of drawing all these weird alien like faces, they all had names just like the characters I have been developing, however, these guys are more human like than the ones I've been working on. 

Anyway, this is just a working idea. The paint on this board is totally screwed up, Its uneven and you can just messy, so I plan to use it as a tester. So yeah... I'll keep you posted on what I end up doing with it. 

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