Monday, April 21, 2014

Final: Timothy Deck

Close ups

WIP: Timothy Deck

After spray painting the blue background, I drew Timothy, then tapped him off. 

Unfortunately when I took the tape off, a lot of the paper was stuck on it, but oh well. I was able to scrape a lot of it off, but it left a texture on the board. 

Then from there, I added the black lines in. I thought about adding in his name, but I kind feel like it looks stronger without anything else added. Simple but full. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Beginning: Timothy Deck

So this is the next one I want to put on a board. He's also already on a wood piece, but I can use him again. So this is what I  am thinking: 

I went and picked up this color paint, the whole board won't be this color, just the middle where I plan to put my image. I also picked up frog tape, I heard about this stuff while in school, but never bothered to get it. I hope it will make the paint lines come out crisp when I pull it up (fingers crossed!). 

So as of right now here is where it is at. I taped out the center and then papered up the ends to keep the paint from getting on them. Then sprayed it. Next step is to draw up my image and then tape it all off. Hopefully when I tape it up, it doesn't take up the paint that's already down... guess I'll see what happens.

Final: Riley Deck

So the sun did not turn out as round as I would have liked, but that's okay. I bought black gloss Krylon paint and used that to outline everything. It worked a lot better than anticipated, it dried quickly and let me shade pretty easily. I am super happy with the color though, and want to keep that going. 

Close ups

Monday, April 14, 2014

WIP: Riley

So this is where I am at thus far with Riley. I decided to spray the entire board with a clear flat spray, hoping that would help in sealing it so that the spray paint wouldn't be absorbed by the wood. The spray paint I bought is all Krylon brand with gloss. 

I then tried to tape off the image in parts and spray paint it that way, which kind of worked. I don't have photos but i ended up making a huge mess. The sun turned out cool, but I was too impatient to wait for it to fully dry that I then started the next part of the board and completely screwed up the sun. 

So this is where Riley is at as of right now. I plan to go in an put in detail with black ink, however, this time I am letting it dry. Personal goal: not to touch it again until Wednesday. Due to my lack of patiences this turned into a combination on spray painting, finger painting, and actually painting. On the upside though, I actually really like the line work that I was able to put into the image, especially in the sun. I have to try and sand out some parts, but so far I'm actually kind of excited for this.

Close ups

Final (I think): Brutus Deck

So I decided I shouldn't pull the wood up more on the bottom. I thought about it and think for now anyway, I should leave it like it is. So this is it for now. 

Close ups

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Beginning: Riley Deck

Deck design No. 2: Riley

Not sure where this one came from, but I'm actually really excited about it. Kind of a desert/ palm tree vibe going on. I'm taking my first road trip out west soon (crazy excited about it), so maybe I was subconsciously thinking there. But I'm thinking color in this one and I'm stoked about it. 

Anyway, this is the original sketch I came up with. I have found that I really enjoy finding my letters in the line work. I don't take exactly what I get from the line work, but it definitely helps in finding an interesting style for the text. 

Riley text

And this is the sketch on the board. Sorry if you can't see the pencil marks, but maybe it'll give an idea of what I'm trying to do. I think I want to pick up some spray paint and stencil out the images and block out the color. Then after filling the color, I'll either go in with a brush or paint pen and add in smaller details. 

I think I want spray paint that has some kind of shine after it dries. That way the shine of the image and the rawness of the wood will work together, maybe level one another out. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

WIP: Brutus Deck

So this is where I am at so far:

Not the greatest photo, it was taken on my phone, but it gets the job done. I feel like more needs to be done with it. I'm thinking about pulling the wood up more at the bottom. The whole point for the white at the bottom was to try and level the board out. 

I'm not sure how noticeable it is but there is web like line work behind his head that was originally in wood, but I did not like it, so I blacked it out. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

WIP: Brutus Deck

So I went and bought speedball ink and transparent base to roll on the deck after carving. I haven't actually finished carving the board yet, but I got too excited and decided to roll ink on some of it, that way I'd have an idea what it was looking like.

Here is the board thus far with the ink rolled on. I initially wanted to black to be somewhat transparent so you could still see the woodgrain, but it didn't look as strong. So I tossed the transparent bass and just rolled the black ink. 

Close ups:

It still has a lot of work, but this gives me a solid idea on what I need to do next.

Beginning: Brutus Deck

Original sketch of Brutus:

My plan is to use this design for a skateboard deck. I'm not really sure how it will work out or if it will look remotely good, but might as well try. I went to a local skate shop and picked up a blank wooden board and drew up the design. I kind of got ahead of myself and failed to take photos from the beginning, but I'm sure you'll be able to imagine.

Anyway, on top of the design of Brutus, I wanted to throw in the text of his name. I was unsure about the font to use, so I basically threw a bunch of lines and decided to find the text within the lines. Figured it might help in finding some kind of funky font. This top image is of the lines with the text that I found and the bottom is of the text without the lines. 

And this is top of the board after I carved 'Brutus' into it. It is kind of hard to see since I haven't inked the board yet, but it gives you some kind of idea of what it looks like.

Its probably difficult to see, but these are just images of the board after I carved some of it.